Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Feminism Theory Who Want Women Equality, They Should...

Shelby Milinovich Mrs. Almack English 4 AP September 21, 2014 Feminism Theory To those who want women equality, they should look into feminism. To be a feminist you don’t have to be a woman, you just need to support women in their fight to be legally equal to men in social and economical situations. This means women deserve equal pay, equal access to education, make decisions about their own body, ending job sex segregation, better working conditions, for women to be able to hold a public office and have a say in the decision making of their country, and to be afforded the same respect as a man. Feminism today is looked at like bad word because most associate it with the man-hating ‘feminists’ who don’t want women equality but for the roles today to be switched so women are in charge. But this just goes to show that there are many different types of feminism with many different definitions. Feminism has been around a long time, from Lady Godiva to Emma Watson. The most known type of feminism is radical feminism, which is most commonly known today. It is looked down upon because they are considered ‘man-haters’ for wanting to completely change the current society through any means necessary. This can be a problem because they think they must sometimes rage war on men, this makes it seem like they don’t want gender equality, but a matriarchal society instead of a patriarchal one. Radical feminists are not all bad though for the platform of radical feminism give many ideas toShow MoreRelatedDescription of All Four Feministic Theories1514 Words   |  6 Pagesof the textbook titled The Moral of the Story we are faced with theories of feminism that we encounter on an everyday basis. The issue on feminism is one that has been fought for by both men and woman for many years and yet still seems to be an ongoing battle to achieve full gender equality. I personally feel that gender equality is important in this world because I for myself have met women in my life who I not only look u p to but who have also inspired me to keep moving forward in my journey of lifeRead MoreFeminism And The First Wave Feminism1651 Words   |  7 Pagesis Feminism? The word feminism originated in the 1800’s from the French word â€Å"feminisme†. So what is feminism exactly? Feminism is usually defined as an active desire to change women’s position in society (Kolmar pg.27). There are many ways that feminism can be described as it is a number of theories, social movements, cultural and political movements. These movements are shedding light to the inequalities and equal rights for women and also equality for everyone. Feminism is a way for women to beRead MoreFeminism Is Defined As The Theory Of Political, Economic,1011 Words   |  5 PagesFeminism is defined as the theory of political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. (Definition of Feminism) and also as the organized activity on behalf of women s rights and interests. (Definition of Feminism). If one would look in-depth into Feminism they would see that there are three waves of Feminism. Now not all types or waves of feminism is wrong, but third wave, or the m ost recent, should not be supported, because they often tell myths that are just not true or usually use aRead MoreWomen s Equality For Women1407 Words   |  6 Pagesyears, women have aimed for gaining equality with men. They’re opportunities were taken away because of the fact that they were women. Overtime feminism has expanded and diversified in many different aspects including approach and priorities. The changes in them are result of many different social economic groups of women because of the various goals set for methods of creating change, which are implemented within the movement. The feminist movement has been trying to give equal rights to women whoRead MoreAnalysis of Gender Inequality with a Focus on Feminist Ideas Essay804 Words   |  4 Pagesmovement, and will then analyze feminism more specifically. In this analysis I will focus on the different types of feminism. Most notably of these types will be the main groups that consist of socialist feminists, lib eral feminists, and radical feminists. I will describe the goals and ideals of these groups along with describing how a functionalist and conflict theorist looks at gender. Feminism has been defined as the advocacy of social equality for men and women, in opposition to patriarchy andRead MoreThe Femenine Mystique and Feminist Theory: From Margin to Theory901 Words   |  4 PagesIn the books The Feminine Mystique and Feminist Theory: From Margin to Theory all focus on Feminism. Feminism is a work of movements; theories and ideas all aimed to define, establish equal rights for women. Feminism came in three different waves, 1. The Suffrage, 2) Woman’s liberation movement, and 3) was a continuation of the second wave and its accomplishments and failures. Both of the books focus on the second wave of feminism and take us on a journey on how woman, black and white, survived theRead MoreFeminism And Gender Equality And Equity Based On Gender1060 Words   |  5 Pagesgiven bad first impressions of feminism. However, feminism is equal rights for all people of different race, sex, gender, and sexuality. Many of the people that give feminism a bad name, include a self-proclaimed feminist that is running for presidency, and meninists who are satirical equal rights activists. In reality, feminism is pro-gender equality and opportunities for all types of people. Feminism is the belief that people of all different backgrounds should be treated justly and fairly. FeministsRead MoreFeminism And A Good Portion Of Women1624 Words   |  7 Pagesthemselves but the ones who decide to voice their opinion are the ones who are persecuted the most. Feminism is a touchy subject to most people; generally males find it obsolete and women find it valuable to keep alive. There are a handful of males who are in favor of feminism and a good portion of women who are against feminism. There are different types of feminism such as the over the top all males shall die and the equal rights, equal pay. Those who are opposed to expressing feminism commonly believeRead MoreFeminism : The Word That Strikes Fear Into Everyone s Heart1278 Words   |  6 PagesFeminism: the word that strikes fear into everyone’s heart. When you think of a woman labeled a feminist, what do you picture? If you answered a man-hating lesbian, who is a hostile, cruel and Nazi-like w oman’s rights activist, then you are wrong. Way wrong. Feminism, by definition, is â€Å"the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities; the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes† (Watson 1). In other words, feminism is not solely about gaining equalRead MoreThe Fight For Equality Among Genders1687 Words   |  7 PagesFIGHT FOR EQUALITY Dilenny Reyes INR4603.0W59 April 27, 2015 The equality among genders is a debate that has long been fought in the international realm. Although this is time where women and men are more close to being equal than they have ever been, there are still many areas in which equality falls short. Feminism is a theory based on the rising of women in order to be equal with men. It is a theory that best represents the need for equality among the sexes. Women are often

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